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Monthly Income Program

Here's your chance to earn a generous monthly income from home.

  • Easy 3 Step "Photo-Share" program

  • Generous recurring monthly income

  • The perfect work-from-home opportunity


Get started creating a generous income with us. Here’s how simple our “Photo-Share” plan is:

  • Step 1: JOIN. A membership subscription and personal selfie photo gets you started. 

  • Step 2: SHARE. Invite others to vote for your selfie photo by sharing your photo page (included with membership).

  • Step 3: COLLECT. Receive a $10 residual monthly income for each of your invites who join as a member.

Are you ready to start receiving a recurring income?
You've come to the right place.

Having fun while earning a great income is what the “Photo-Share” program is all about.

The SelfiesFun “Photo-Share” program provides a simple way to earn a generous recurring monthly income, using a simple selfie photo.


The idea behind our Photo-Share program is to allow anyone to easily create a generous recurring monthly income with NO out-of-pocket costs.

See how to get started with our simple 3-step plan below...

1. JOIN:

Join with a SelfiesFun membership subscription.


As a member, you can begin the “Photo Share” program immediately, complete with step-by-step instructions to start generating a substantial monthly income.


There is NO out-of-pocket expense for you! When you subscribe, your membership is FREE ($0) for you to get started generating revenue.


During your first month you’ll get your income rolling in using the step-by-step income guide, which begins with the FAST START plan that gets you started generating $20 per month immediately after you subscribe. That’s already a monthly profit - right up front! Your monthly revenue continues to build from there.

At the end of your first free month, AFTER you’ve established your income stream, three will be a small $15 monthly business expense. This is the only cost to you for operating the program. There are no costs involved in the step-by-step process.

Don’t be confused by the $15 business expense. Your first month is FREE! The business expense doesn’t begin until after you’ve established your income stream during your free month.

Our program is designed to allow participants to begin generating an income source before there are any operating costs.

Also, we understand the apprehension of subscribing to something with the fear of having it not work out as you expect, only to get stuck with a payment. That’s why we’ve established three safeguards:

  1. Your first full month is FREE.

  2. There is never an obligation. You can cancel your subscription anytime.

  3. If you subscribe but haven’t established an income stream to cover the business expense by the end of your free month, your subscription is automatically canceled before any fee is charged (unless you advise us otherwise). So it costs you nothing! You can get started with confidence and without worries.

We’re so confident you will easily generate substantial revenue from our program that we offer this FREE start to try it out! You literally can’t lose!


Here is how our Photo-Share program works:


As a Photo-Share member, you earn revenue by inviting others to vote for your photo.

The Photo-Share Income Guide walks you through every step to get you started sharing your photo and building a generous monthly income. It’s simple to do and gets your income stream rolling in.

For each voter you invite who becomes a member, you will receive a $10 payment EVERY SINGLE MONTH as a member.


The first two members you generate already pay for your subscription cost. After that, every member you generate is continuous monthly income in your pocket! And our FAST START plan gets you 2 members right up front. Starting you off with an immediate $5 monthly profit!


Monthly income example:


Here is an example of recurring monthly income using our Photo-Share Income Guide. These are hypothetical figures representing minimal time inviting others.


Let’s say you only generate twenty members your first month. You will be receiving $10 every month from each of those members ($200 every month).


Each month, if you generate only twenty more members, that’s an ADDITIONAL $200 added to your recurring monthly income - every month.


Example, using the above scenario:

  • Revenue month one: $200 per month to you.

  • Revenue month two: $400 per month to you.

  • Revenue month three: $600 per month to you.

  • Etc.


Set your income goal and make it happen!


$1,000 per month

$2,500 per month

$5,000 per month

What are you waiting for? It costs nothing to join and try it out. You can start receiving a recurring monthly income right away!

Benefits of the SelfiesFun Photo-Share program:

  • 100% work from home 

  • Enjoyable "Photo-Share" program

  • Easy to do. Nothing complex

  • Simplified 3 step program for achieving income

  • Express plan - to start with an immediate income

  • Step-by-step income guide

  • Recurring monthly income 

  • Zero start up costs

  • SelfieFun Photo-Share was built for the purpose of achieving a simplified revenue source for participants. Therefore, everything relating to SelfieFun Photo-Share is for your benefit in generating a substantial income

  • As a member, you are the company’s greatest asset, which means everything we do is to ensure your success

Why do we offer this great opportunity?

Our goal is to expand our SelfieFun membership. As a member, you have the opportunity to build a great residual income which, in turn, enables us to reach a much wider market.

Take your first step by joining. Then follow our Photo-Share instructions guide to get your income flourishing!

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